
Stress and Honesty

Is it not strange that, in spite of the many modern conveniences and technological advances, living remains essentially very stressful. Why should that be? Often overlooked in the contemporary situation is the pressure of too many people, making life difficult for each other through overcrowding.

The ruthless exploitation of the earth to satisfy people's needs and appetites makes for bad conscience - does it not? 'Fair Trade' policies and sustainable assurances are an attempt to ease the guilt, but consumption and reproduction go on increasing, and the feeling is that it is unstoppable. The result is deep depression, and stress at the heart. What can be done? Individual, full acknowledgement of the facts and blame-free honesty do wonders for relationship and well-being.


An Enthusiastic Testimonial

"Psychenautics gives you a leg-up into immensity. One moment I was an earth-bound moron and the next moment, I was inconceivable!"


Countdown to Catastrophe

Professor Galaxi reads the first of his brief talks on overpopulation and what to do about it


The Question of Human Rights!

No-one seems to have noticed that 'human rights' ought fairly to be balanced against 'human wrongs.' That may be because if the weighing were accurate, all 'rights' would surely be balanced out? Which would bring us to the observation that human beings might well be living entirely by grace, however ungracious their performance may seem. The recognition of this could be a step in the 'right' direction, for a change.


About the Essential Understanding

The subtle alternation of moods is absolutely continuous; one's experience is a seamless series of moods or modes of reactive emotionality.

It is essential that moods are not permitted to dominate awareness and our greatest asset in preventing that is diligent observance of a mutually convenient daily and nightly structure, based upon perfect recognition of the common apparent reality. This is the essential respect, without which there can never be the essential understanding and one will continue in bewilderment and dullness.


Overpopulation is the Problem

WG to Professor Jack Bennett & Fred Powledge 10 March 2007
Subject: Overpopulation is the Problem - in the US Journal Bioscience Feb 2007
That overpopulation is humankind’s greatest problem today must be obvious to all but the most defiantly ignorant. The inability to acknowledge it fully and completely and to remain ‘in denial,’ is attributable to a taboo surrounding the future-dreaming of the ravenous womb. Equally accountable, though, is the pusillanimity of the male, the ‘wee, timorous beastie,’ too timid to ‘bell the cat;’ his sense of self is all too liable to atrophy if he has to face life alone, a likely outcome should he renege on what is at its core the son’s pledge to return to the mother. Humanity therefore never matures beyond nursery-centred dreams, devastating the habitat as it proceeds, as is at last becoming widely known. Dramatic no doubt, but be it acknowledged that the shiny drama of sex in the movement towards copulation is at the overheated heart of society; everyone is encouraged to dwell on it, even into advanced old age. Money circulates because of it and it is felt to be the ultimate fount of joy, exciting beyond words. Where or indeed what, if anything, would we all be without it?

Since the habitable surface area of the earth does not conveniently enlarge to accommodate the excesses of human loving, this pseudo-species of ours, undeniably the most intelligent creature ever to strut the earth, yet lacking the now urgently necessary self-control, is creating a future of catastrophic culling in the various well-publicized forms such as epidemic disease, climatic disaster and mass murder. So much for the sentimental dreams of romance conditioning! Since all of this is only too well known to us all, though it may be ignored or even scoffed at by many or by most, and given the plain unattractiveness of celibacy, how do we move from here?

What seems to be trying to suggest itself, and being consistently rejected over the centuries, is a further mutation, from the state of pseudo-species to a complete acknowledgement of the non-metaphysical and absolutely straightforward nature of reality. Rather too simple for science or religion, this. Enthusiasm for such investigation quickly sours, owing to a preference for suffering out our dreams, whether we have secured comfortable positions in society or are struggling to survive in it. However regarded, it’s a dead end, isn’t it? The meantime promises to be very mean indeed.

W. Galaxi


Cutting Edge Research

‘If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?’—Albert Einstein



Laughter is not loss of control, it is relinquishment of control.
N.B. One's own laughter may not add to the sum of another's happiness.


Topic for Senior Science Class

Spell out the relationship between Birth, the Mother of All Corpses and the Daddy of Decomposition


The Study of Consciousness

The marvellous clarity of the study illuminates and dissipates all problems. No more (k)nots!

The Problem of Death

Death and dying are problems pertaining to the onlooker.
As to what death and dying
are, clearly this is for the nature of inbeing itself to discover and this nature is always centred on its own actuality. So death is found to be an intimate matter beyond the reach of 'others'.


What We Are

Here's something for anyone with identity problems:-
"Where there is neither positive nor negative, being nor non-being, appearance nor void, subject nor object, there must be identity. But identity cannot perceive itself—and that is what we are." Open Secret by Wei Wu Wei, p 118.


Winged Retirement

Wanders o'er the planet,
Breathes the exotic air,

Pines for a cosy household;
Fair winds, fresh streams—
A bed of rough granite.

(In this riddle lies the Solution to the Problem of the Ages.)


So Who's to Blame?

The culprit that has to be nabbed is the one who indulges in the idea that something is wrong.


Humanity: What is it?

The elaboration of a lost cause.


And What About Birth?

Birth is a very poor idea. If you are born, you have to pay for it for the rest of your life; a price which eventually everyone feels is too much!

The Theatre of Religion

All religion stems from oratory.
Have you noticed that religion is entirely theatrical, however austerely enacted? So, it's not God that's important, but the people who organise, expound and practise the belief.
Mankind is the Religion of Flesh.


Stress, Overpopulation & Quantophrenia

One cannot fail to notice the worldwide preoccupation with figures, arithmetic, statistics, percentages: quantophrenia. Its adherents apparently love to compile lists and tables, illustrating specific problems of humanity in numerical form and they are keen to keep sending these lists out to others in an attempt to convince everyone that action must be taken. The recipients, however, are not nearly so interested in such lists; they are constantly being bombarded with details from almost every direction, and are mostly occupied just coping with their own problems.

There surely exists already a certain global awareness of that ever-growing, stifling pressure of people upon each other and the land, which we call overpopulation; what seems to be lacking is the kind of mutual acknowledgement that could create a respite, an easing up of the pressure, a psychic breathing space, an opportunity for a totally different way of being. However, it is a most difficult realisation that acknowledgement begins at home, that is, with awareness itself. Our creaturely pattern is always to reach out and expand, trying vainly to make more and more of the objective world acceptable to our own sensibility. Each of us must ourself be the much-needed transformation centre, because any attempt to transform externally simply compounds the pressure.


Why is acknowledgement of overpopulation taboo? Because ultimately, the cause of it—sex—is completely private (thank g0odness!) so that the most people can do is complain about the state of things, rather than be clear about it. At least in public. Nowhere amongst all the concerns expressed for and against overpopulation have the editors of ES seen it brought down to this fundamental point: lust. No, that would seem too simplistic, even rude. It would be like telling an obese person that they are fat! Lust is the principle that overrides everything else, including this: the enormous burden it really is to be a body, not to mention the huge demands each one makes on its environment. This is the fundamental acknowledgement that needs to be made, then there is the chance for grace.




Reversing Slang with Dr Strabismus

Let’s start with a word that has been in use since the 13th century — ‘gay.’ It means carefree and happy, and the saying of the word captures something of this quality. Unfortunately, this little sound-byte has fallen victim to political correctness, and has been imbued with a sexual significance which is not intrinsic and which dulls its original lustre.

So far has the process of deterioration gone, that the latest slang usage is equivalent to ‘trashy,’ which shows how a really nice little word can be thoroughly rubbished. Does it matter? One factor against the twisting of ‘gay’ to mean what it doesn't, is that there is no discernible humour in the exercise, and slang without humour is simply uninteresting.



Proposition: Man is a pseudo-species. Discuss

Elektrische Kurze

Our German expert explains: (Unser Deutscher Experte erklärt:)
Design: Entwurfen, um automatische Gehirnimpulse und Reaktionen kurzzuschließen.
Übertragende Energie: Verringertes Stärkefeld der routinemäßigen, geistlichen Aktivität. Dieses entschärft hoch angespannte Produktion, was den Lebensstrom erlaubt, neue Dimensionen zu erleuchten.
Kapazität: Keine Grenzen gesetzt.
Anwendung: Ohne Vorbehalte, universal. Strom des menschlich-magnetischen Widerstandes ist umgewandelt in den Fluß von reiner Gegenwart.
Wert: Mühelos, nicht verringernde, erleuchtende Quelle. Zugang über Selbstklarstellung.
Garantie: Unmittelbare Lieferung, keine Verpflichtung, aktive Teilnahme.


Self-Appointed Victims

SAVs declare that the universe is powered by victims. The great blaze of the universe is the victor and everything else has to suffer for it. At least half the British population are officially classed as eligible for Victim Benefit and a further quarter can claim Victim Status. In fact, it must be a very tiny percentage of people who do not feel themselves to be a victim of some sort. Non-Victims are now a threatened minority.


Towards Perfect Manners

All manners actually derive from the Court (cf. 'courtesy'). To the argument that not everyone could possibly be expected to have courtly manners, the reply must be, "Just try a little bit." Results could be delightful!


In the UK, why do ladies apparently outnumber gentlemen by more than a thousand to one?

Ladies and gentlemen.....’ these titles are complementary, go together, so to speak. You cannot have the one without the other, yet the male part of the set is almost taboo today. Oddly, the term ‘lady’ is in vigorous use - leading lady, cleaning lady, tea lady, lollipop lady; long is the list of female roles which have the honorific suffixed to their simple job-descriptions. However, the usage has now become ubiquitous and adult females are commonly referred to as ‘ladies.’ ‘Why don’t you ask that lady over there.’ or ‘I’ll get you one of the ladies from Accounts...’ And when these special people go to the loo, as they must, they enter via a door marked ‘ladies,’ whereas those of the opposite sex know that they must head for the door marked, simply, ‘men.’


Can God Be Saved?

Natural selection is surely so obvious that it hardly needs 'proof.'

However, 'God' is unquestionably the best idea that mankind has ever come up with and it remains so, but only if kept simple. Once the idea is tampered with in the slightest it gets elaborated into religions and their fractious subdivisions; it is then no longer pure and simple, but becomes a principal motif of endless mischief, including nonsense about a personal creator.

The practical relevance of the idea ‘God’ can only be direct, that is, not in a manner that anyone can try to reason out. The attempt gives rise to useless argument.

This is why so many are giving up on the idea. The trouble is, they don’t give up properly. Adopting the attitude, ‘I can’t solve that!’ and then going on to wrestle with something else is the commonest attitude of all and is manifestly no good.

We are not advocating atheism either, which is only another argument and quite fruitless at that. We are merely suggesting that the human brain is unable to conceive of anything more wonderful than itself.

A look at the state of society today should be sufficient evidence of how marvellous we are!

(This entry sent to Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion, on 22.07.07)